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Watch out for a "Freedom & Democracy" march,
London, 23 April 2000
New Alliance and Save Our Sovereignty are promoting this event:
National publicity was won on 9 May with the "Save The Pound" march. Prominent speakers appearing included:
David Baxter - 'independence' campaign in Guernsey
Nigel Farage - Chairman, UK Independence Party
Marc Glendening - organiser, Democracy Movement
Lindsay Jenkins - economist and author
Michael Shrimpton QC - barrister & writer on 'Corpus Juris'
Sir Teddy Taylor MP - former Minister
New Alliance and CIB West London organised a joint training session for activists
Meeting - London 16th Nov 1997
Click Here To See Text Of The Seminar
This is a long file. So please save to disk and read offline
SAEs and donations welcomed -
Contact us - PO Box 13199, LONDON SW6 6ZU
Over fifty members of the local anti-federalist organisations attended a seminar on how to campaign against the Single Currency. Dr John Whittaker of Lancaster University covered the economic background and Douglas Ellison the practical campaigning issues.
A Handout summarising how to rebut the federalist arguments is now available Send SAE to above address otherwise you may download from this site.
Meeting - London 4th October
Alliance Forum II
Unity was in the air when over 400 delegates from all Euro-realist groups attended the one day conference
Conference was addressed by distinguished speakers from home and abroad representing every major group opposing Euro-Federalism
These were
David Lott stressed that the need to work together was now paramount to aid a Referendum and to avoid future vote splitting at the European Elections
Dr. Richard North expressed his ideas on how the EU was not so much the problem but rather a symptom of a "control culture" which was common amongst all bureaucrats
Nigel Farage spoke for UKIP and of his 'indigestion' following the election. He explained that UKIP was fired by a new spirit of cooperation and looking forward to contesting the 1999 European Elections with other like-minded parties
David Soutter of the RP reflected the frustration of many that no leadership had been given since the election. He explained that RP activists wished to continue Sir James' work 'to put the democracy back into politics'
John Boyd provided the important insight that can be given to the debate by the labour and trade union movement. As secretary of the Campaign Against Euro-Federalism he explained that all political differences must be put aside so that the Single Currency can be addressed successfully with "unity across the political spectrum"
Mike Woodin of the Green Party had fought the centralizing tendency of European institutions. Amongst the GP's broad front of activities and causes he looked forward to taking part in a "positive, dynamic and diverse 'No' campaign" against the single currency.
Georges Berthu, a French MEP, from the Group of Independents for a Europe of Nations, of which Sir James Goldsmith was a founder member, gave the endorsement of the I-EDN for the New Alliance's aim of the formation of a single list of all moderate Euro-Realist parties, for the European Elections in 1999. These are to be fought under a system of proportional representation.Henrik Overgaard-Nielsen ex co-Chairman of the Danish June Movement seconded this view. "Unity and Discipline" was his recipe for anti-federalist success.
Bill Jamieson admitted, in a passionate speech that "the biggest mistake in his life" was his decision to stand against Sir James Goldsmith in the General Election. The anti- Maastricht vote must never again be split and although he was worried that a referendum would not be called without the prospect of the government winning, he appealed for unity in the face of one. He read out a statement from Alan Walters, who was unable to attend, fully endorsing the aims and objectives of the New Alliance.
Soutter drew on three common themes:
Unity in
the face of federalism; Never again
to allow the Euro-Realist vote to be split: Finally, drawing on Sir James
Goldsmith's slogan, he demanded
"Sovereign Britain Action Group"
Public Meeting on the Single Currency
Yeovil, Westlands Sports Centre St Catherine's College, Oxford. London, Westminster Central Hall Saturday, 31 October 1998, 7:30 pm
Westbourne Close
Monday, 16 November 1998, 7:30 pm
Speakers include:
Julian Lewis MP for New Forest East
Lord Tebbit of Chingford former Cabinet Minister
Rodney Atkinson writer and broadcaster
Bernard Connolly author, 'The Rotten Heart of Europe'
Admission free. Details from John Williams Tel: 01935-817999
For details of the video:
"Eurosceptic Debate on the Single Currency:
Conservative and Labour Perspectives"
Old Theatre, LSE, Houghton
Street, London WC2
Wednesday, 14 October 1998, 8 pm
Dr Martin Holmes QC
Dr Bernie Moss
chaired by
Prof. Kathleen Burk, University College
More info from: Bernie Moss
"The European Crisis"
Saturday, 31 October 1998, 10.00- 5.00pm
Leading speakers:
Martin Howe QC "The Amsterdam Treaty & the British Judicial System"
Rodney Atkinson "The Russian Crisis"
plus speakers from the continent about Germany's role and ambitions.
Info from:
CUKC, 27 Walpole St, London SW3 4QS
Tel/fax: 0171-730 2800
"European Elections - update & public meeting"
Saturday, 31 October 1998, pm
Leading speakers include:
Robert McCartney QC MP for North Down
Bill Jamieson Sunday Telegraph
plus UKIP speakers, incl.Michael Holmes & Nigel Farage
Details from UKIP Tel: 0171-434 4559
"Nottinghamshire Save the Pound Campaign"
Campaign Meeting
Click for offers of support:
Date this page was updated: 3 April 2000