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The New Alliance was established in Basingstoke on 7th June 1997 at a "New Alliance Forum". This was not the result of any one individual or organisation but was more a consequence of the general dissatisfaction with the division between the UK Independence Party and the Referendum Party at the General Election of 1 May 1997 Thus most present came from one party or the other but, of course, many were also members of pressure groups as well. All met as individuals rather than representatives of their respective organizations and there was thus no limitation on the wide-ranging discussions. The main outcome of the Basingstoke Forum was the passing of the resolution:
To explore a New Alliance between individuals and organizations opposed to a Federal Europe, through a steering committee(members to be announced), with a view to creating
(A) An educational and PR wing
(B) A Political [electoral] wing
Details to be
discussed with the leadership and membership of those concerned.
Note: A working constitution was later proposed but was never debated for ratification at the LSE Forum on 4th October 1997. Therefore executive decisions are made by the New Alliance Steering Group elected at Basingstoke, and day to day matters handled by the Management Committee drawn up on 31st December 1997
The New Alliance is run according to some basic principles:
The following key aims and objectives were agreed by the Steering Committee:
a. Think Tank(s) - The New Alliance will act as an agent to provide information and ammunition to the entire EU-critical movement in the UK.
b. Heal divisions - The New Alliance will aim to bring greater co-ordination and focus to the EU-critical movement as a whole. It will also aim to avoid duplication of work between various EU-critical groups.
c. Activists/Referendum Awareness - The New Alliance will provide a focal point for activists of EU-critical groups and will help to coordinate and initiate activities. In particular, the New Alliance will help to promote the need for positive action in preparation for any possible referendum on any aspect of European Integration.
d. Election fighting - For the European Parliament elections the New Alliance will actively encourage and if necessary coordinate the formation of a single EU-critical list under the banner of the I-EDN (Group of Independents for a Europe of Nations). In the event of elections where there are EU-critical candidates the New Alliance will support and will attempt to resolve differences between the rival EU-critical candidates and/or parties. Above all the New Alliance will work to avoid vote-splitting between like minded parties.
The New Alliance does not seek members through "membership fees" but will keep a record of supporters.
The New Alliance is committed to the National Sovereignty of the UK and favours a Europe of democratic, self-governing states. The New Alliance is non-racist and supports good relations between peoples.
The New Alliance and its activities will be financed by donations.
Named donations without strings will be accepted from any source but will be recorded openly.
Donations may be accepted in support of a particular agreed purpose(e.g. venue hire costs) but will be refused if they have conditions attached such as to change principles, policy or personnel.
All attempts to donate will be logged where there might be questions over probity.
This reflects key points of the consensus of the Steering Committee in August 1997.
Annual accounts are to be made up to 31 May.
Date this page updated: 2 January 1999