Past, Present & Future - Our 30:30 Vision
We’re told we live in an "Information Society". Local papers, TV and radio, email, the internet… it is quite easy to become overloaded by a flurry of information. We need to step back.
News headlines are like snowflakes; they quickly fade and are replaced by another. Just as a snow fall blankets the ground, it can be difficult to see what’s underneath the headlines…. you only get a limited picture.
A group of ordinary people, with no big backer, have produced these fact sheets to balance the one sided information put out by the UK government (paid for, of course, through our taxes).
Government departments have their own ‘thirty year rule’ on the release of classified information. We mark the thirtieth anniversary of Britain joining the EEC in 1973 by highlighting some little known facts we think you have right to know.
We hope it will stimulate enquiry and constructive debate - about the buried past, what could have been, but above all about our future.
(References added to articles are in blue text. On 'There Is An Alternative', typo corrected 28.7.04 - Greenland left the EU in 1985 not 1987.)
In The Balance - EU membership weighed up
The Unwanted Euro - Tip of the Iceberg